
Grow your business
with ActiveCampaign


4.5 Excellent


ActiveCampaign offers a lot of marketing features, which results in a cluttered interface, though that's balanced by its high quality online support.


  • Many third-party integrations and auto-responder options.
  • Excellent online support.


  • Comparatively short free trial.
  • No phone support.
  • Busy dashboard.


  • Free Plan
  • A/B Testing
  • ​Unlimited Sequencing
  • ​Drag-and-Drop Creation
  • ​Unlimited Email
  • ​CRM Integration
  • Social Media Marketing
  • ​Search Marketing
ActiveCampaign, starting at $29 per month, serves as a comprehensive email marketing solution with a plethora of features. Among its offerings are unlimited emails across all plans, seamless third-party integrations, and a diverse range of auto-responders. Despite these advantages, the interface may initially seem overwhelming due to its abundance of features. The 14-day free trial, though shorter than some competitors' 30-day trials, stands out for not requiring a credit card.

While ActiveCampaign provides a substantial library of online support resources and onboarding services, customer assistance is available solely through live chat, excluding phone support.

In comparison to Campaign Monitor, it shares similarities but excels in different aspects.

Active Campaign At a Glance

  • ActiveCampaign is a Chicago-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform and one of the oldest of its kind as it was founded in 2003.
  • In addition to its email marketing platform, it also offers marketing automation, customer relationship management (CRM) and sales engagement tools, giving users a comprehensive sales and marketing automation suite.
  • ​It’s designed with a focus on advanced automations and analytics.
  • ​The experts at Forbes Advisor ranked ActiveCampaign as the ninth-best email marketing platform in 2024 and the best email marketing platform for automations.

How Active Campaign Works

ActiveCampaign, as a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform, aids users in constructing workflows and automating email and SMS marketing campaigns, all without the need for coding. The platform features a user-friendly drag-and-drop campaign builder, allowing users to easily customize prebuilt templates, select target audiences, configure email tracking options, and either set triggers or schedule emails for specific dates and times.

The setup process is well-guided, ensuring simplicity regardless of the campaign type.

Once an email campaign is launched, ActiveCampaign diligently tracks data and furnishes users with comprehensive analytics and reports.

This valuable information empowers businesses to make informed decisions and optimizations, fostering more effective connections with their audiences, driving conversions, and building loyalty. Consequently, ActiveCampaign emerges as a high-value email marketing platform that, when strategically utilized, has the potential to deliver substantial value for its cost.

ActiveCampaign Core Features

ActiveCampaign stands out as an all-encompassing platform, providing a diverse array of essential features focused on marketing, sales, and e-commerce. Notably, its powerful automation features empower businesses to effortlessly craft email campaigns, nurture leads, and boost conversions.

Beyond its user-friendly email marketing suite with a comprehensive editor, ActiveCampaign also boasts advanced capabilities in tracking, data collection, and reporting. Additionally, it incorporates a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, facilitating user connectivity with contacts, relationship-building, and enhanced sales opportunities.

WYSIWYG Email Editor

ActiveCampaign employs a "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) email editor, simplifying the creation of diverse email marketing campaigns. Users have the option to choose a prebuilt template, essentially functioning as a preconfigured layout, and then make real-time customizations. This allows users to easily visualize how their email will appear to recipients.

For users with advanced skills, ActiveCampaign provides the option to create text-only emails and custom HTML emails. This feature enhances flexibility, accommodating teams with varying skill levels and experiences, and ensures a consistently professional appearance for the end result.


Email and Marketing Automations

ActiveCampaign empowers users to utilize automations and construct workflows using advanced triggers. This can range from basic tasks, such as automatically sending a welcome email to new subscribers or following up with an email when a potential customer abandons their cart, to more intricate workflows. The system supports conditional segmentation, allowing users to send specific emails based on recipients' interactions with previous emails. This includes factors like whether they opened the email, clicked a link, or completed a purchase.

Tracking, Data Collection and Reporting

ActiveCampaign stands out as a premier platform in its category, particularly due to its exceptional tracking, data collection, and reporting capabilities. Users can delve into various aspects of their campaign's performance well beyond standard metrics like open rates or conversion rates. The platform allows for comprehensive tracking of user interactions on the website, integrating data from Google Analytics. On the reporting front, ActiveCampaign offers a variety of reports, covering areas such as campaign performance, email client trends, predictive content, and open/read trends. This wealth of information provides users with a strategic advantage in developing high-performing campaigns.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

ActiveCampaign's built-in CRM stands out as another notable feature. It proves particularly beneficial for businesses lacking an existing CRM but seeking an effective means to nurture incoming leads as their contact list expands. While ActiveCampaign's CRM features may not match the robustness of the market's top CRMs, they offer a lightweight yet functional solution. Users can establish a custom pipeline, generate and assign tasks, set up personalized goals, forecast deals, and monitor progress. Overall, it serves as a reliable CRM for those heavily dependent on email marketing who have yet to establish a dedicated CRM system.

How Is ActiveCampaign Different Than Others

While it's commonplace for email marketing platforms to offer built-in data tracking, ActiveCampaign surpasses most competitors in the market. In comparison to platforms with basic tracking features like email open rates and conversions, ActiveCampaign provides users with an extensive range of insights through advanced tracking, data collection, and analytics. When creating a standard email, users are prompted to choose from various tracking and analytics options, including open and read tracking, link tracking, reply tracking, and integration with Google Analytics for additional insights in web analytics.

ActiveCampaign Pricing and Plans


Lite Plan

ActiveCampaign's Lite plan serves as the introductory tier, priced at $29 per month with annual billing. Unlike many email marketing plans, it doesn't impose a limit on the number of monthly email sends and accommodates up to 250,000 contacts. The plan encompasses essential email marketing features, including prebuilt templates, a drag-and-drop editor, audience segmentation, automations, and comprehensive analytics and reporting. Notably, it stands out by offering a free contact list migration, simplifying the onboarding process for users transitioning from another email marketing platform.

This plan is an excellent choice for data-driven businesses with substantial monthly email sends. However, it may not be the ideal fit for ecommerce enterprises, lacking integrations with major platforms like Shopify, Square, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce. Additionally, it doesn't incorporate ecommerce-specific features found in other plans, such as a product catalog or abandoned cart functionality. Check price

Plus Plan

Priced at $49 per month with annual billing, the Plus Plan encompasses all features of the Lite plan while introducing additional elements, particularly focusing on ecommerce. Beyond offering ecommerce integrations, it incorporates features tailored for businesses engaged in Facebook Advertising, such as Facebook Custom Audiences and lead ads. These additions empower businesses to enhance their social media efforts and devise more strategic email campaigns, resonating effectively with audiences and driving increased sales.

Designed for businesses experienced in email marketing and seeking elevated campaign performance, the Plus plan stands out with its advanced features. ActiveCampaign not only provides some of the most sophisticated automation tools but also boasts industry-leading analytics and reporting capabilities. For businesses aiming to make data-driven decisions for optimizing and crafting more effective campaigns, the Plus plan proves to be an excellent choice.

Professional Plan

Priced at $149 per month with annual billing, ActiveCampaign's Professional plan is tailored for marketing teams, accommodating up to five users—a notable increase from the three-user limit in the midtier Plus plan. While it includes all features from the Plus plan, it admittedly doesn't introduce a significant number of additional features, especially considering its threefold price increase. Notable inclusions are site messages, split automations, predictive sending, tracking attribution, and seamless integration with Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365.

The split automations feature proves particularly valuable for businesses aiming to test performance and further optimize campaigns based on insightful data. It's worth noting that the absence of predictive sending in lower-level plans is somewhat peculiar, as it is a common feature in mid-tier email marketing plans. Nonetheless, predictive sending is a highly useful tool, automatically optimizing send times for maximum engagement. This plan is most suitable for businesses that have outgrown the Plus plan and those heavily reliant on Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics 365, given its seamless integration capabilities with these platforms.


New users will find the setup process to be quick and easy. To start, there are only a couple of simple steps to sign up for the 14-day free trial, which involves providing your email address, name, password and answering a couple of basic questions about your business, such as the number of contacts you have, number of employees and industry. The free trial does not require a credit card and ActiveCampaign offers a free contact migration service, which makes it very easy to transfer your contact list from another email marketing platform. Alternatively, users can simply import contact lists from a CSV file or copy and paste contacts into ActiveCampaign.

Active Campaign - Ease of Use

ActiveCampaign offers a vast number of advanced features, which can lend to a longer learning curve for those looking to take advantage of said features. However, it’s also very easy to use for those looking to build and deploy automated email campaigns.

Compared to many competing email marketing platforms, it’s far more intuitive, making it easier to build automated campaigns with more advanced triggers and features.
The steps to create an email campaign with ActiveCampaign is very straightforward.

To start, click the option from the dashboard to create a campaign. Then, create a name for your campaign and select the type of email campaign you wish to create, such as a standard, one-time email, an auto-responder to send after someone subscribes automatically, split testing to send multiple emails and discover which works best, RSS-triggered or based on a certain date. From there, users are prompted to select an audience, choose a template, customize it and determine when it sends.

Active Campaign Customer Service and Support

Customer support is available 24/7 via live chat and email. While it’s not ideal that it does not offer phone support, its live chat support is quick, helpful and very personable as if you’re speaking to a colleague rather than someone in a random call center. This is not only my personal experience with ActiveCampaign’s support but a large majority of users note the same in hundreds of reviews as well.